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We assess and manage acute and chronic mental health conditions including stress, anxiety, depression, psychosis, and drug and alcohol problems. All GPs here recognise the link between physical and mental health and welcome the opportunity to work across all areas to allow best outcomes.

Some GPs have extra training to deliver psychological treatments such as cognitive behavioural therapy. The clinical team also work closely with a number of allied health professionals such as psychologists, mental health nurses, counsellors and psychiatrists.

With your consent, your GP will prepare a comprehensive mental health treatment plan which involves a thorough assessment of your mental health, identification of your goals and the services needed to achieve these goals. If you meet eligibility criteria, we are able to refer you to mental health workers under Better Access through Medicare and other funding streams available through your Primary Health Network.

We have access to case conferencing with psychiatrist Dr Andy Ang as part of the Primary Care Psychiatric Liaison Service. In a case conference Dr Ang will assess you with your GP and assist in developing a management plan to address your mental health needs. This service also offers support through a mental health co-ordinator and by a peer worker. This service can assist people with severe mental health problems to connect with necessary services.

Mental Health Riverstone Family Medical Practice Near Me Online Appointments Tallawong Doctors