Health in the Workplace
The team at Riverstone Family Medical Practice recognises the importance of work in the lives of our patients and supports them to be safe and productive in their working roles. This will include managing their general health well in the first instance then supporting them in the event of an illness or injury to recover and return to meaningful employment as quickly as possible. GPs in this practice are happy to liaise with employers in order that the outcomes after recovery are optimal for all.
All of the GPs who see patients at this location are able to be your Nominated Treating Doctor in the event that the injury is covered by Workers Compensation Insurance. Ideally this care is best provided by your usual GP and all here abide by the NSW State Insurance Regulatory Authority guidelines to support you to return to work in an appropriate timeframe and even recover at work if possible. This will involve careful clinical assessment and management as well as collaboration with your workplace and your treating and support team. If needed our clinical team is able to visit the worksite in order to better understand the working environment and suitable duties to enable your return to work.

We also have GPs authorised to conduct particular types of medical examinations for various licences:

Aviation Medicals (DAME)

Transport for NSW Medicals (private and commercial drivers)

Motorsport Australia Medicals